
The Oasis Network is proud to serve its communities without requiring any financial obligation from them.

Your attendance, participation, and encouragement will always be more important than money. For those who are financially able, your donation supports the mission of The Oasis Network, to facilitate the establishment and provide support for Oasis communities worldwide. The Oasis Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible. Tax-ID Number 38-3972988. We are sincerely grateful for your support.

Ways to Give

  • To SimpleGive

    Please click here.

  • Recurring Donations

    Recurring donations give us the gift of a reliable monthly budget to responsibly fund projects and sustainable growth.

  • Legacy Giving

    Please consider The Oasis Network in your will, and as a beneficiary of your life insurance, investments, and retirement accounts. If you are planning to leave a sizable donation to The Oasis Network, please Contact Us. We would like to get to know you and discuss how we can honor your legacy.

  • Fund a Need

    We sincerely appreciate your support for current projects. If you would like your contribution to go towards a specific project, please indicate in the notes when making your donation.

    $6000 - Centralized Online Store - On this website, we can launch an online store for T-shirts and other merchandise representing all of our various communities that can be fulfilled and shipped from one centralized location. This can help create an ongoing source of revenue for communities and the Network.